Duplicate Content

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September 12, 2024
Onpage SEO

Duplicate content - the topic often sounds technical and complicated, but it affects everyone who runs a website or deals with SEO. But what exactly does duplicate content mean? How can it harm you and how can you avoid it? We go into great detail and answer all your questions to help you optimize your website for search engines like Google. Most importantly, we explain why duplicate content is a problem for SEO and how you can ensure that republished content is handled correctly.

What counts as duplicate content?

Duplicate content refers to text content that is either identical or very similar on several websites or on different pages of your own website. A simple example is a product description that is used on several websites. But even if you publish the same text in different places on your website, this counts as duplicate content. Google recognizes duplicate content and can then find it difficult to decide which page should be shown in the search results.

Important to know: Duplicate content does not only mean literally identical text. Even very similar content that is only slightly reworded can be considered duplicate.

What counts as duplicate content for SEO?

In the SEO field, duplicate content is any text that can be found multiple times on the Internet without major changes. This includes

  • Multiple URLs for the same content: For example, “www.meineseite.de” and “mypage.com” - both URLs show the same content, but Google might consider them duplicate.
  • Same product descriptions: If you use the manufacturer's standard texts to describe a product in your online store, you will find these texts on numerous other websites.
  • Regional or linguistic variants: Even if the content appears on several language versions of a website without being correctly labeled, Google may consider this to be duplicate content.
Duplicate Content

How do I avoid duplicate content?

Avoiding duplicate content is central to any successful SEO strategy. Here are some best practices to ensure your content remains unique:

  1. Use canonical URLs: With a so-called “rel=canonical” tag, you can tell Google which version of a page is the original source. This gives the search algorithm a clear guideline as to which page should be indexed.
  2. Use 301 redirects: If you move or restructure a page, use 301 redirects to prevent multiple URLs pointing to the same content.
  3. Create unique content: Avoid copying content from other websites. Instead, you should write your own original texts. It is also worth getting creative with product descriptions.
  4. Identify regional and linguistic variants: If you run a multilingual website, use “hreflang” tags to show Google which country or language your content is intended for.

How can you ensure that republished content can be distinguished from original content in search results?

If you're publishing the same content multiple times or repurposing older content, there are a few techniques you can use to make sure Google recognizes the difference:

  • Set canonical tags: As mentioned earlier, canonical URLs are one of the best ways to make it clear to Google which content is the original and which version is just a copy.
  • Adjust date of publication: When you update and republish content, make sure to adjust the publish date accordingly. This way, Google recognizes that it is an updated version of the original content.
  • Make small changes: Even if you want to republish content, you can make small adjustments and additions to show that the content is up-to-date and has not simply been duplicated.

Is repetition bad for SEO?

The short answer is yes, too much repetition can hurt your SEO. However, that doesn't mean you can't use important keywords more than once. It's about how you implement the repetition. Repeating the same text or similar paragraphs on different pages can lead to duplicate content, which negatively affects your ranking.

If you have to mention important content several times on your page, try to vary it. Use synonyms, present the information in a new context or use different wording. This will keep your content fresh and unique, which Google views positively.

Table: Tools for checking and avoiding duplicate content

Conclusion: Successfully avoid duplicate content

Duplicate content may seem harmless at first glance, but it can have a serious impact on your SEO strategy. To rank successfully, you need to make sure that your content is unique and that there are no duplicate pages. Use canonical tags, redirects and make sure your content is truly new and original. This will give you the best foundation for a successful website.

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