URL Structure

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August 19, 2024
Onpage SEO

Find out everything you need to know about the URL structure in this text. We'll explain why it's so important, what it's made up of and how you can optimize your URLs for better usability and search engine optimization (SEO). Whether you're a beginner or an experienced web developer, this guide will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips.

What is a URL structure?

The URL structure refers to the structure of the addresses via which your website can be accessed. A well thought-out URL structure ensures that your pages are logically organized, which helps both users and search engines to find and understand your content more easily. A well-designed URL structure can make the difference between a well-ranked page and one that is barely visible in search results.

Components of a URL structure

A typical URL consists of several parts:

  1. Protocol: Indicates how the data is transferred e.g. https://.
  2. Subdomain: Often used to distinguish different areas of a website, e.g.  www. or blog..
  3. Domain: The unique name of your website, e.g.  linkbroker.de.
  4. Pfad: Indicates the specific location of a page or resource on the domain, e.g. /blog/url-struktur.
  5. Parameters: Transmits additional information to the server, e.g. ?id=123.

Here's an Example:

URL structure

Why is the URL structure important?

The URL structure plays a decisive role in several areas:

  • User-friendliness: A well-structured URL is easy to read and immediately gives the user an idea of what to expect on the page. This significantly improves the user experience.
  • SEO optimization: Search engines prefer structured URLs that accurately reflect the content of the page. This can have a positive impact on your rankings.
  • Easy sharing: URLs that are clear and short are easier to share and remember, which in turn leads to more visitors.

Tips for an optimal URL structure

To get the most out of your URL structure, you should take the following tips to heart:

  1. Unambiguity and clarity: Avoid complex or ambiguous URLs. A clear and concise URL ensures that the user and the search engine immediately understand what the page is about. Example: Instead of /index.php?page=123 you should use /products/smartphones.
  2. Integrate relevant keywords: Use keywords in your URLs that reflect the content of the page. This not only improves visibility in search engines, but also makes the page more attractive to users.
  3. Avoid unnecessary special characters: Special characters such as &, %, and = can make URLs illegible and lead to problems with indexing. Use simple, alphanumeric characters instead.
  4. Use hyphens instead of underscores: In URLs, you should separate words with hyphens (-) instead of underscores (_), as search engines interpret hyphens as spaces.
  5. Avoid superfluous words: Keep the URL as short as possible. Remove filler words such as “and”, “or” and articles such as “the”, “the”, “that”, unless they are absolutely necessary.

Examples of good and bad URL structures

To illustrate what a well-designed URL looks like, here is a comparison:

  • Bad: https://www.linkbroker.de/index.php?page=123&sort=desc
  • Better: https://www.linkbroker.de/blog/url-structure

The second URL is not only shorter and easier to read, but also contains relevant keywords that precisely describe the content of the page.

Best practices for multilingual websites

If your website is available in several languages, you should make sure that your URL structure reflects this. Use language codes in the path, e.g./de/ for German or /en/ for English. This will ensure that both users and search engines can easily recognize the language versions of your content.

The importance of the URL structure for internal linking

A good URL structure also helps to optimize the internal linking of your website. By having consistent and clear URLs, you can ensure that your pages are well linked to each other, which in turn makes it easier to navigate and find content. Well-designed internal linking also improves the distribution of link juice, which can have a positive impact on your SEO rankings.


The URL structure is an essential component of every successful website. It influences both user-friendliness and search engine optimization. By creating clear, concise and well-structured URLs that contain relevant keywords and are easy to share, you can improve the visibility of your website and provide users with a better experience.

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