Long-Tail Keywords

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August 9, 2024
Onpage SEO

This section offers you insights into why long-tail keywords play an essential role in search engine optimization (SEO). You will learn how they work, what benefits they offer and how you can use them effectively in your SEO strategy.

What are long-tail keywords?

Long-tail keywords are search terms that consist of several words and cover more specific search queries. They differ from generic keywords, which are often shorter and more general. For example, instead of searching for "shoes", someone might search for "buy red women's running shoes size 38". These longer, more precise search terms are called long-tail keywords.

Why are long-tail keywords important?

Higher conversion rate: users who make more specific queries often have a clearer intention to buy.Less competition: It is easier to achieve a good ranking for long-tail keywords.Better targeting: By using long-tail keywords, you can reach exactly the users who are looking for your specific products or services.

Advantages of long-tail keywords:

  1. Higher conversion rate: users who make more specific queries often have a clearer intention to buy.
  2. Less competition: It is easier to achieve a good ranking for long-tail keywords.
  3. Better targeting: By using long-tail keywords, you can reach exactly the users who are looking for your specific products or services.

How do you use long-tail keywords effectively?

To successfully integrate long-tail keywords into your SEO strategy, you should consider the following steps:

  1. Conduct research: Use tools such as Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs to identify relevant long-tail keywords.
  2. Optimize content: Integrate the keywords found naturally into your content. Make sure that the text remains fluid and informative for the reader.
  3. Consider user intention: Think about what questions or problems the users who use these long-tail keywords might have and offer them suitable solutions.

Example of a long-tail keyword strategy:

If you run an online store for gardening tools, you could optimize specifically for long-tail keywords such as "best electric lawn mowers for small gardens" to target specific customers who are looking for exactly this type of product.


Long-tail keywords are a powerful tool in the SEO world. They allow you to target your audience more specifically and effectively, minimize competition and increase conversion rates at the same time. Integrate them wisely into your strategy and you will see how they improve the visibility and success of your website.

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