Internal Linking

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August 19, 2024
Onpage SEO

What is internal linking, and why should you care about it? In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about internal linking and how you can make the most of it to make your website attractive to search engines and visitors alike. Whether you're just getting started with SEO or want to improve your strategy, this guide will provide you with practical tips and valuable insights.

What is internal linking?

Internal linking refers to links that point from one page of your website to another page of the same website. These links help both users and search engines to understand the structure of your website and find relevant content.

Types of internal links:

  • Navigation links: These links are located in the main navigation and lead users to the most important areas of your website.
  • In-content links: These are embedded in the text and redirect users to thematically relevant articles or pages.
  • Breadcrumbs: Path navigation that shows users where they are on the site and allows them to quickly return to higher-level pages.

Why is internal linking essential?

The importance of internal linking cannot be emphasized enough. It plays a crucial role in user guidance and directly influences the SEO performance of your website.

  1. Improved indexing by search engines: Search engine crawlers follow internal links to discover new and updated content on your website.
  2. Increased dwell time: Internal links keep users on your website for longer by directing them to further content.
  3. Targeted distribution of authority (link juice): Internal links distribute the link power within your website, which influences the visibility and ranking of individual pages.
  4. Improved user guidance: By creating meaningful links, visitors to your website are guided through relevant content, which increases user-friendliness.

Strategies for effective internal linking

A well-thought-out internal linking strategy can make the difference between an average and an outstanding website.

  • Structured linking: Create a logical and hierarchical structure in which all important content can be accessed with just a few clicks.
  • Meaningful anchor texts: Use clear and descriptive anchor texts that are understandable for both users and search engines.
  • Prioritization of pillar pages: Link frequently to your most important content that serves as a central point of contact for certain topics (so-called “pillar pages”).
  • Avoid superfluous links: Concentrate on linking only to relevant content that offers the user added value.

Checklist for internal linking:

  • Are all important pages well linked internally?
  • Are there any orphan pages that do not receive any internal links?
  • Are anchor texts used sensibly and thematically appropriate?

Common mistakes in internal linking and how to avoid them

Errors in internal linking can not only affect the user experience, but also have a negative impact on SEO rankings.

  • Orphaned pages: Pages that do not receive any internal links may not be recorded correctly by search engines.
  • Over-optimized anchor texts: If anchor texts are over-optimized, this can be seen as manipulation by search engines.
  • Outdated links: Broken links that point to pages that no longer exist are bad for the user experience and should be checked and corrected regularly.


Internal linking is a central component of a successful SEO strategy and a user-friendly website. With well-placed internal links, you ensure that users and search engines better understand and appreciate your content. Remember to regularly review and adjust your linking strategy to achieve the best possible results.

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