Dwell time

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August 27, 2024
Onpage SEO

Dwell time - this term comes up again and again when it comes to websites and their performance. But what exactly does dwell time mean and why is it so important? In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about dwell time, which factors influence it and how you can effectively improve it to increase the success of your website.

Definition of dwell time

The dwell time, also referred to as “dwell time”, describes the time a user spends on a website before leaving it again. It begins when the page is first accessed and ends when the user leaves the page or accesses another URL. A longer dwell time is often an indication that the content of the website is relevant and interesting for the visitor.

Important to know: The dwell time is different from the bounce rate. While the bounce rate measures the percentage of visitors who only visit a single page and then leave the website, the dwell time measures the actual time spent on a page.

Why is dwell time important?

Dwell time is a key indicator of the quality and relevance of a website's content. The longer a user stays on a page, the more likely it is that they will find the content useful. A long dwell time signals to search engines such as Google that the page is valuable for users. This can have a positive effect on the ranking in the search results.

In addition, dwell time often correlates with other important metrics such as conversion rate. Visitors who stay longer on a website are more likely to take a desired action, be it a purchase, a registration or filling out a form.

Factors that influence the length of stay

The length of stay is influenced by various factors that you can actively shape as a website operator:

  • Relevance of content: The content must meet the expectations and needs of the target group. Relevant content increases the likelihood that users will stay on the site for longer.
  • Page loading time: Long loading times often lead to users leaving the site quickly. A fast, optimized page can significantly increase the length of stay.
  • User experience (UX): An appealing and user-friendly design keeps users on the site for longer. This includes intuitive navigation, clear structures and visual elements that keep users' attention.
  • Mobile optimization: As more and more users access websites via mobile devices, it is crucial that your site also works well on smartphones and tablets. A non-optimized site can lead to a drastic reduction in dwell time.
Dwell Time Graph

How is the dwell time calculated?

The dwell time can be calculated relatively easily. You take the time at which a user accesses a page and subtract the time at which they leave the page. The result is the dwell time.


  • Page view: 10:00 a.m.
  • Page left: 10:05 a.m.
  • Dwell time: 5 minutes

Strategies to improve the length of stay

Achieving a high dwell time requires more than just good content. Here are some proven methods to increase the time spent on your website:

  1. Relevant and high-quality content: Users stay on a page longer if the content meets their expectations and offers them real added value. Regular updates and in-depth, well-researched content are particularly effective.
  2. Attractive design and user-friendliness: A clear and aesthetic site design keeps users engaged for longer. This also includes a clear structure of the text with headings, paragraphs and lists.
  3. Interactive elements: By integrating surveys, quizzes or comment functions, visitors can be actively involved, which increases the length of stay.
  4. Internal links: By including links to other relevant articles or pages, you can encourage users to continue browsing your website. This internal linking strategy not only helps to increase dwell time, but also improves the SEO performance of your website.
  5. Multimedia content: Videos, infographics and images break up the text and offer visual stimuli that invite you to linger. An embedded video can significantly extend the time spent on a page, especially if it fits in well with the context of the content.
  6. Call-to-actions (CTAs): Actively ask your users to stay on the page by including clear and inviting CTAs. For example: “Read more on the topic...” or “Discover our latest articles here...”.

Conclusion: dwell time as the key to success

Dwell time is an essential part of the user experience and has a direct influence on the success of a website. A longer dwell time signals to search engines and operators alike that the content is valuable. With the right strategies, you can effectively increase the dwell time on your site and thus not only increase user satisfaction, but also improve your position in the search engines. Improved dwell time ultimately has a positive impact on the overall performance of your website - and your bottom line will notice.

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