Local SEO

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October 2, 2024
Onpage SEO

Imagine you're looking for a great café in your city - what's the first thing you do? You probably reach for your cell phone, type “café near me” into Google and voilà - you're immediately shown a few suggestions. But how do certain cafés end up at the top of the search results? This is exactly where local search engine optimization comes into play! In this text, I'll not only explain how local SEO works, but also why it's so incredibly important for you and your business - and most importantly, how you can use it yourself to maximize your reach in your area. Let's go!

What is local search engine optimization?

Local search engine optimization, or simply local SEO, is all about getting your business to show up in search results exactly when people in your area are looking for your products or services. Think about it: When someone searches for “hairdresser in Berlin” or “dentist in Munich”, you want to be at the top of the list, right?

Local SEO ensures that your business is visible on Google, Bing and other search engines to the very people who are searching for you in your region. It's a combination of smart keyword optimization, well-maintained directory listings like Google My Business and the right strategy to boost your online presence in the neighborhood.

Why should you use local SEO?

Quite simply, if your business has a physical address and you serve customers locally, then local SEO is the key to being visible. Studies show that 46% of all searches on Google are local. This means that almost half of all people are specifically looking for products or services in their area!

Tip: Make sure your Google My Business profile is fully completed - this is the basis for your local SEO success!

What is an example of local SEO?

Ein einfaches und sehr effektives Beispiel für lokale Suchmaschinenoptimierung ist die Optimierung Ihres Google My Business (GMB) Profils. Nehmen wir an, Sie betreiben ein Restaurant in Hamburg. Sie optimieren Ihr GMB-Profil, fügen Bilder hinzu, schreiben eine Beschreibung, geben Ihre Öffnungszeiten an und sammeln regelmäßig Kundenrezensionen. Nun sucht jemand nach „Italienisches Restaurant in Hamburg“ und dank Ihrer SEO-Maßnahmen erscheinen Sie ganz oben in den Suchergebnissen.

Warum ist das so? Weil Google sieht, dass Ihr Geschäft lokal relevant ist, die Informationen aktuell und korrekt sind und die Kunden positive Erfahrungen mit Ihnen gemacht haben.

Wie wichtig ist lokale SEO für Google?

Local SEO is extremely important for Google. Google has recognized that more and more people are using their cell phones or computers to search for local services. For example, if you type in “pizzeria near me”, Google wants to show you the best and most relevant pizzerias in your area. It doesn't just help that you're a business that happens to be there, but that you're showing Google: “Hey, I'm a relevant and trustworthy provider in this area!”

Google loves local searches because they often lead to quick action. If you're looking for a dentist, you usually need one - and you need one now. That's what makes local SEO so attractive to Google, because there's a high likelihood that someone will actually take action as soon as they see the search results.

How does local SEO work?

Local SEO is made up of several important building blocks that help you to be more visible in local search results:

1 Google My Business - your starting point for local SEO

The first thing you should do is create or optimize your Google My Business (GMB) profile. This is where you enter all the important information about your business, such as

  • address
  • Phone Number
  • Opening hours
  • Your website
  • Photos of your company

Google uses this information to decide whether your business is relevant for a local search query. Always keep the data up to date and encourage your customers to leave reviews - this plays a big role in your local ranking.

2. use local keywords on your website

It's not enough to simply have a GMB profile. You also need to make sure you're using the right local keywords on your website. If you are a craft business in Cologne, then you should use phrases like “painters in Cologne” or “gardening in Cologne” on your website. Google recognizes these keywords and then matches your site to relevant search queries in your region.

Pro-Tipp: Verwenden Sie nicht nur das Keyword selbst, sondern auch Variationen und Kombinationen wie „beste Maler in Köln“ oder „preiswerte Landschaftsgärtner in Köln“.

3. manage user reviews

Reviews are at the heart of local SEO. If potential customers see that your business has many good reviews, they will be more inclined to trust you. Google itself favors businesses with positive reviews because they offer users a better experience.

Tip: Actively ask your customers to leave reviews - in a friendly manner and without pressure, of course. You will be surprised how many people are happy to leave a review if they have had a good experience.

What do you do with search engine optimization?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is about taking various measures to make your website more visible in search engines. The most important steps are:

  • Keyword research: What terms are potential customers searching for? You should use these keywords on your website.
  • On-page optimization: Make sure that your website is technically flawless and that the content is optimized for the relevant keywords.
  • Build backlinks: Links from other sites to yours improve your authority in the eyes of Google.

Does local SEO really work?

In short: Yes, local SEO works - and it works extremely well! Especially for small and medium-sized businesses that mainly rely on local customers, local SEO is one of the most effective methods to become more visible and attract new customers.

Example: A hairdresser in Berlin who has taken local SEO measures will appear higher up in the search results for search queries such as “hairdresser in Berlin” or “hairdresser near me” - and this is exactly what leads to more bookings and new customers.


Local search engine optimization is at the heart of any business that wants to grow in its region. With the right strategies - from optimizing your Google My Business profile to local backlinks - you can significantly increase your reach and attract more customers.

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